4th International Conference Terahertz and Microwave Radiation: Generation, Detection and Applications

August 24-26, 2020, Tomsk, Russia

Author's Index

Author: Masyukov M.S. (ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia)

List of reports:

  1. Masyukov M.S., Vozianova A.V., Gubaidullina K.V., Khodzitsky M.K.
    Circular dichroism of metasurfaces based on resonators with different N-fold rotational symmetry  
  2. Sharaevsky M.V., Vozianova A.V., KuzikovaA.V., Masyukov M.S., Khodzitsky M.K.
    3D terajets produced by dielectric structure  
  3. Masyukov M.S., Vozianova A.V., Grebenchukov A.N., Gubaidullina K.V., Zaitsev A.D., Khodzitsky M.K.
    Optically tunable terahertz chiral metasurface based on multi-layered graphene  
  4. Masyukov M.S., Zaitsev A.D., Khodzitsky M.K.
    Asymmetric Graphene Metamaterial for Narrowband Terahertz Modulation  
